Dr Dominique Chatton

Received trainings:

• Medical Doctor of Geneva University
• Psychiatrist and psychotherapist membre of the Swiss Medical Federation (FMH)
• Certificat in Sexocorporel (Prof. Jean-Yves Desjardins)
• InterUniversitary Master (DIU) in Clinical Sexology of the Claude-Bernard Lyon I University (France)
• Master of the Continuing education in Cognitivo-Comportemental Therapy of the Geneva University (Switzerland)
• Certificate of the  Continuing education in Familiy Therapy of the Geneva University
• Formation in Bioenergetics of the International Instituteur for Bioenergetic Analysis (IIBA)
• Master in Physics of the Zurich Polytechnic Federal School (ETHZ – Switzerland, 1981)


Given trainings:

• Recognized trainer in Sexocorporel of the International Sexocorporel Institute – Jean-Yves Desjardins (ISI), former organizer in Geneva
• Recognized trainer for the « Vivre en Amour » seminars Bykov ISI, former organizer in Geneva
• Recognized superviser in Sexocorporel by ISI
• Teacher at the University certificate in Applyed Clinical Sexology of the Continuing education of the Catholicic University of Leuven, Belgium
• Teacher at the University Certificate in Sexology of the Continuing education of the Free University of Brussel, Belgium
• Clinical manager of the Consultation of psychosomatic gynecology and of sexology of the University hospitals of Geneva (1997-2004)
• Teacher at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva until September, 2004, within the framework of the problem-based learning of the Department of psychiatry and the Department of gynecology and obstetrics
• Teacher, then responsible for the education of the psychiatric semiology within the framework of the amc of the Department of psychiatry until September, 2004
• Former co-director of modules to the Certificate of clinical sexology of the in-service training of the University of Geneva
• Former co-director of the module of sexology for midwives of the High School of Health of Geneva



• Founder member and president of foundation (2004-2010) of the Institute Sexocorporel International – Jean-Yves Desjardins (ISI)
• Full member of the French speaking Clinical Sex therapists Association (ASCliF)
• Full membre Sexology Inter-Hospitalo-Universitary Association (AIUS)
• Extraordinary member of the Swiss Society for Bioenergetic Analysis and Therapy (SSATB / SGBAT) from its foundation to December, 2017


Clinical skills:

In man, sexological treatment of:
• disorders of rapid or premature ejaculation
• delayed or blocked elaculation disorders
• erectile dysfunction, performance anxiety
• sexual desire disorders
• difficulties in feeling like a man, problems related to genrality, difficulties with the feeling of belonging to one’s sexual morphology
• paraphilia (fetishism, exhibitionnism, voyeurism, etc.)
• difficulties related to sexual orientation
• problems of sexual compulsions (Donjuanism, exhibitionism, voyeurism, Internet related, etc.)
• problems of non-psychopathic paedophilia and paedosexuality, including emotional difficulties (impulsivity, compulsivity) and problems related to incest
• issues around sexual abuses and sexuality


In woman, sexological treatment of:
• sexual arousal disorders
• difficulty reaching orgasm in sexual intercourse and in general
• sexual desir disorders
• pain during penetration (vaginismus and dyspareunia)
• Difficulties in feeling like a woman, problems related to gender, difficulties with the feeling of belonging to one’s sexual morphology
• difficulties related to sexual orientation
• issues around sexual abuse and sexuality


Important information in case of request of consultation (see also under the tab “Availability”)


The first session of sexual evaluation lasts generally at least one hour and a half, more often two good hours, to make it exhaustive, if possible, in one step. A second session, which is shorter, is sometimes necessary to complete this initial evaluation by observations and reflections made by the patient in the meantime, based on the knowledge acquired during the first session.

This assessment is very comprehensive (including obviously the biological spheres, individual psychology, couple, family and social), but, unlike other approaches to sexual disorders, it includes a very accurate assessment of the function of sexual arousal, among others. Indeed, thirteen components of sexual health are evaluated more or less in depth according to the needs of your situation.

The evaluation leads to a global functional diagnosis, but precise, allowing in rule to understand the logic of your sexual functioning and your skills and limits in this area, to explain quite logically also the sexual difficulty that you encounter and so lay the concrete foundation for a therapeutic project to bring you to develop skills more in line with your dream of a more fulfilled sexuality!


Treatment in Sexocorporel

Having agreed on this project, patient and therapist undertake the therapeutic approach itself. The treatment will generally involve new learning in the management of sexual arousal, that of feelings too, of communication and the adequate expression of these feelings, associated with a global psychotherapeutic work (cognitive, fantasy, relational, etc. .) if relevant, according to the elements perceived during the evaluation.

We start from the observation that sexuality is a kind of “body art”. It develops during the life, by specific learning that the therapy will allow to do to the patient, by relying on its previous acquisitions.

As in any body art, for example dancing, singing or playing a musical instrument, learning will be at the level of knowledge, and also by specific body exercises aimed at the acquisition of good skills in body movements allowing sexual arousal to develop harmoniously and pleasantly for the person. It is important to note that bodily exercises involving sexual arousal will be done privately by the patient and by no means in the doctor’s office.

Be careful, the exercises necessary for learning aim at developing an ability to be, to exist, to live in a fulfilling way of one’s sex life. The therapeutic process as a whole goes far beyond a simple gymnastic learning and aims to make the patient the sensitive interpreter of his sex life, rather than a technician. A bit as in music we could say …

In music, you quickly learn simple pieces to train the basic skills essential to his art, sometimes even scales or exercises, often experienced as boring, although they can focus on some simple technical aspects. Then, come more complex pieces of music. We first learn notes, rhythms, phrasing. Then, during their interpretation, from one’s self to one or in public, if possible well disposed … one learns to let go of the feelings, to feel them, to live them, to express them, by relying on the technique learned, but as being able to forget it in the moment of the game, for its greatest pleasure as a performer and for that of the listeners, and spectators, if there are any!

Note that we are our first spectator! If we are alone, is there more pleasure for us, unique spectator, to play anyhow? Or, is it good and pleasant to play as in public, all the pleasure of getting along, be surprised to release a beautiful sound of the instrument, a moving sound?

Everyone’s answer, but it does not actually very different in the development of his sexuality, although it is true that “the concert” is usually sold out, the two performers are also their only audience!


Duration of treatment

The duration of a treatment will depend on the specific disorder and the patient’s investment in his therapy.

As a general rule (there are unfortunately always exceptions!):
• Problems of rapid ejaculation (1′-3′ of intravaginal penetration time) usually require five to ten sessions, rarely more than twenty, in contrast to situations of premature ejaculation (less than 30″ of intravaginal penetration) which usually require more than ten sessions, but also rarely more than twenty.
• Problems related to the sense of belonging to one’s sex, paraphilia, sexual orientation, and pedophilia issues require the most time – 50 to 80 sessions over one to two years.
• Other problems, according to their complexity, will require treatments of average durations, that is between 20 to 30-35 sessions.

These figures represent averages. They are greatly influenced by the patient’s ability to provide accurate information about their sexual functioning during the assessment and subsequently in the beginning of the therapy, as well as by their motivation and perseverance in the learning essential to the development of a better sexual health.

In addition, the difficulties of managing emotions can often complicate the evolution of treatment.


Areas of clinical research, in close collaboration (1999-2010) with Prof. Jean Yves Desjardins (1931-2011):

• premature and rapid ejaculation, mecanisms and treatments
• treatment of disorders of the sense of belonging to the biological sex, up to transsexualism
• treatment of problems of compulsive pedophilia and/or pedosexuality
• elaboration of a model of sexual development in humans, consistent with observations and neurosciences (Dr Serge Wunsch)



Serge Wunsch: Comprendre les origines de la sexualité humaine . L’esprit du Temps, 2014. (in french).

El Feki M, Bureau J, Chatton D, Crépault C, Desjardins J-Y, Desjardins L, Tremblay M: “La sexothérapie Quelle thérapie choisir en sexologie clinique ?” 2è édition revue et augmentée (Chapitre 2: Le Sexocorporel) . De Boeck Université, 2010.

Chatton D, Desjardins J-Y, Desjardins L, Tremblay M. “La sexologie clinique basée sur un modèle de santé sexuelle” . Psychothérapies 2005; 25(1): 3-19.

Chatton D. “Assistance sexuelle, assistance au développement sexuel ?” . Reliance 2008; 3(29): 62-65.

Chatton D. “Homme, Femme : identité ou perceptions modifiables ?” . Santé sexuelle 2007; 2: 9-14.

Chatton D, de Sutter P. “Sexologie clinique, quelles perspectives en médecine pour cette discipline à part entière ?” . Revue Médicale Suisse 2004; 23685.

Will T, Chatton D. “Parentés et unités familiales complexes” . Thérapie familiale 2005; 2(26): 125-138.

Wschiansky F, Chatton D, Lalive J-E, Pause C. “Troubles érectiles: place de l’ensemble “organique et psychologique” . Revue Médicale Suisse 2004; 23687.

Graf M, Chatton D, “Couple et territoires en thérapie psychomotrice” . Sexologies Avril-mai-juin 2002; 11(40): 51-54.

Chatton D, Pause Ch, Graf M, Rossi L, Archinard M. “Activités de formation en sexologie à Genève et en Suisse romande” . Médecine & Hygiène 7 février 2001; 59(2333): 302-304.

Pause C, Chatton D, Archinard M. “Effets secondaires médicamenteux et dysfonctions sexuelles” . Médecine & Hygiène 17 mai 2000; 58: 1129-1132.

D. Chatton, M. Archinard et F. Wschiansky. “La prise en charge sexologique des patients par le médecin de premier recours” . Médecine et hygiène. – Genève 1999; 57: 266-269.


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